Robert Hays is the proud owner of Hays Berry Farm in Pleasant Ridge, Union County. His passion for farming began in childhood. Growing up, his father worked in construction for a farmer, so Robert spent much of his youth on a large farm. He further pursued his interest in agriculture by studying biology and chemistry in college.
Robert has always loved blackberries, and in 1999, his mother gifted him six blackberry plants. He initially shared them with neighbors, and as word spread, demand grew. Each year, he doubled his plant stock to meet this growing interest. By 2005, he began selling his berries at farmers markets across North Mississippi and to private customers.
By 2018, Robert had more than 13,000 blackberry plants, along with strawberries, around 35 blueberry bushes, 300 pecan trees, and 10 acres of black walnut trees. He also experimented with sugar cane, vegetable crops, soybeans, and maintained 175 honeybee hives.
His passion for farming extended to education, and Robert began offering tours of his farm. Visitors, including school groups, learned about crop cultivation, pollination, and hands-on experiences. "I've always loved learning, so I tried to keep it fun for the kids and a valuable learning experience," he said.
After 18 years of crossbreeding, Robert created over 100 varieties of blackberries, six of which, along with two muscadine varieties, could be patented. In addition to farming, Robert has worked in construction his entire life, following in his father's footsteps, and also ran his own construction company.
Mississippi is fortunate to have dedicated, hardworking farmers like Robert Hays. It is an honor to represent Mississippi's First District farmers on the House Agriculture Committee.