From 1970-2016, Retired U.S. Army SGM James Burch dedicated his life in service to our great Nation. During his many travels to distant lands, Mr. Burch observed farming practices and techniques for the preservation of agriculture resources. "Maybe it was a foreshadowing of things to come, but having the experience of seeing different agricultural work made me a better farmer today," Burch said.
Mr. Burch is the founder of a program called Home Grown by Heroes. He seeks out veterans who may suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and teaches them how to grow produce on a small scale. "It's been therapeutic for me," Burch said. "I have come across numerous veterans who are interested in cultivating their land on a small scale. This rewarding activity can serve as a release point for their pain."
To learn more about the program, contact Mr. Burch at